Wireless vs Wired Headphones

August 18, 2022

Time to untangle your headphones

As technology keeps evolving, so do the ways we listen to music. One of the most significant revolutions in the headphone industry is the switch from wired to wireless headphones. But, the question remains, is wireless really better than wired headphones?

In this article, we'll compare the two and let you decide for yourself.

The Battle Begins: Wireless vs Wired

Sound Quality

Many people tend to believe that wired headphones have better sound quality than wireless ones. While this presumption might have been true in the past, wireless technology has come a long way in recent years. High-quality wireless headphones now offer the same sound quality as their wired counterparts.

According to a survey conducted by Statista, over 50% of respondents claimed that wireless headphones provide better sound quality, thanks to the advancement of Bluetooth technology.

Portability and Convenience

When it comes to portability and convenience, wireless headphones win hands down. With no wires to get tangled up in, you can quickly put them in your pocket or bag and take them anywhere you want to go. Additionally, depending on the wireless device, you can control playback, volume, and other features by tapping or swiping in different positions.

On the other hand, wired headphones can be a bit cumbersome to carry around, often requiring you to wrap the cords around the device or themselves.

Battery Life

Battery life is one of the most critical factors to consider when choosing between wired and wireless headphones. While wired headphones don't require a battery to function, wireless headphones need to be recharged.

Here are some stats to help you evaluate if battery life is crucial for you. On average:

  • Wired headphones have a continuous playtime of approximately 24 hours.

  • Wireless headphones have a continuous playtime of approximately 10 hours.

This means that wired headphones are a better choice if you want to use them for much longer periods, like long flights or road trips.

Noise Cancellation

Noise cancellation is a feature that has become quite popular in recent years, offering a more immersive music listening experience. However, it's more common to find noise-canceling technology on wireless headphones than on wired ones.

One of the most popular noise-canceling headphones available is the Bose QuietComfort 35 II, which is an over-ear wireless headphone that offers excellent noise cancellation performance.


When it comes to price, wired headphones are usually cheaper than wireless headphones. While you can find affordable wireless headphones, you're likely to pay more for the high-end models that provide exceptional sound quality and advanced features.

The Verdict

The answer to the question, which is better, wireless or wired headphones, isn't straightforward. It all comes down to your personal preference and needs.

If you prioritize portability and convenience, wireless headphones are the way to go. However, if you want long-lasting battery life, wired headphones might be the better choice.


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